Although I have limited experience and understanding, I want this site to be a place where all women can find empathy and strength. I alone am unable to provide the scope of experience and knowledge that other women need, so I want to hear from you. There are women out there who need to hear from you. Opening up about personal wrestles can be hard, but I believe it to be necessary in our fight against everything working to weaken us.
Reyna Aburto recently said, “When we open up about our emotional challenges, admitting we are not perfect, we give others permission to share their struggles. Together we realize there is hope and we do not have to suffer alone…Your struggles do not define you, but they can refine you. Because of a ‘thorn in the flesh,’ you may have the ability to feel more compassion toward others…Share your story in order to ‘succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.’”
If you choose to share one of your stories, I do not expect you to bare your soul or the details of your weaknesses, but I do invite you to share experiences and details that can provide strength and hope for other women. Since I am religious, my posts include my experiences with my religion. If you are not religious or don’t agree with me, that’s just fine. I want to hear about what helps you, religious or not.
If you are willing to write, please email me at womaninwrestle@gmail.com. I will contact you with further instructions. More women than you know will be strengthened by your story!
If you are willing to write, please fill out the information below. More women than you know will be blessed by your story!